
Pogamut Netbeans IDE Plugin

Adding PogamutUT2004 Library


I would like to add the PogamutUT2004 library to my projects in Netbeans 7.1.1 having installed Pogamut 3.3.0. However, I this library is not included in my libraries folder. Past instructions in this forum suggest I simply have to right-click on my projects and change the library to the above, but this apparently does not work in the current versions. How can I add this library to Netbeans?


Hi Kat!

Pogamut is using Maven (purely) as dependency management tool ... there is no "downloadable" version of Pogamut jar files. Instead, you have to create Maven project
and add PogamutUT2004 as one of your dependencies. If you are not familiar with Maven, try to follow this tutorial: http://pogamut.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/latest/doc/tutorials/OpeningExamples.html
This tutorial will show you how to materialize one of our maven archetypes (which will result in creation of Maven based project with correct dependencies) and you can then copy your sources into
that project.

The only problem you might have are other 3rd party libraries, that would have to be declared in maven pom.xml file as local dependencies. See this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2229757/maven-add-a-dependency-to-a-jar-by-relative-path
for options how to achieve that.

Cheers! And let us know if you have any problems.
Thanks a lot, Jakub!

I got the project to build by downloading a local dependency, woxser.jar, manually. A few days later I went to build the project on another machine and got the following error:

Failed to execute goal on project: Could not resolve dependencies for project: Failed to collect dependencies for woxser.jar:woxser.jar:jar:1.0.0 (compile), org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:jar:3.7.2 (compile), jdom:jdom:jar:1.0 (compile), cz.cuni.amis.pogamut:pogamut-ut2004:jar:3.3.0 (compile), org.easymock:easymock:jar:2.5.1 (test), junit:junit:jar:4.8.2 (test): Failed to read artifact descriptor for woxser.jar:woxser.jar:jar:1.0.0: Could not transfer artifact woxser.jar:woxser.jar:pom:1.0.0 from/to amis-artifactory (http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081/artifactory/repo): Connection to http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz:8081 refused: Connection refused: connect -> Help 1

Once I had manually installed woxser.jar on the original machine, the project gave a warning about woxser.jar but built successfully. I went back to this machine to re-build my project and it now fails to build with the same error. Has anything changed in the last week or so in the plug-in that would cause this?




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