EmohawkVille is an open source (GPLv3) toolkit for creating complex simulation of everyday lives of characters in 3D virtual world. It is primarily intended as a research platform for testing
various action selection mechanisms for virtual characters.
We believe that creating a fully working, accessible and polished environment fosters academic progress.
You are encouraged to use our toolkit for your research, or just to experiment with character behavior design and have fun!
EmohawkVille is a package built on top of UDK and the Pogamut platform.
EmohawkVille installer can be downloaded at http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/EmohawkVille/UDKInstall-EmohawkVille.exe (to be used against Pogmaut v3.5.4-SNAPSHOT, Windows only)
You can use ChefBot archetype (bot that actually knows how to cook!) to learn about EmohawkVille API:
Details about the environment can be found in Emohawk paper <link> or thesis <link>.
User guide is downloadable here.
Should you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us on our forums or send us an e-mail.
Known bugs
The UDK client sometimes crashes when loading the hell's kitchen map.
Cite us properly
If you use EmohawkVille for your research, please use following paper:Holaň, D., Gemrot, J. and Černý, M. EmohawkVille: Towards Complex Dynamic Virtual Worlds.
In: Proceedings of GameOn 2013 (in press). 2013.