

BotPrize Simulation


I would like to recreate a server with exactly the same configuration as the 2012 2K BotPrize Competition.
I mean :
I want
- a human able to connect to the server without Pogamut information on Screen
- damages reduced by 40%

and if possible :
- the 2K BotPrize linkgun

I tried to find some information in http://pogamut.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/latest/doc/tutorials/ch11s03.html
But I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do.

Could you give me just a hint please ? Thank you.

We're not organizers of BotPrize competition per-se. You should contact Philip Hingston:

They have their own modification of GameBots2004 server that is providing the linkgun you're mentioning + lowering the damage.

Afaik it is not possible to play "BotPrize" mod without that.

If you obtain the BotPrize server and make it work, it would be cool to let the community know + provide tutorial how to set it up!



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This work is supported by GA UK 1053/2007/A-INF/MFF (2007-8), GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF (2006-8), the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (grant MSM0021620838) (2008-9), by the Program "Information Society" under project 1ET100300517 (2006-9), and the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities (2006-8) and by the project CZ.2.17/3.1.00/31162, which are financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.