Restricted Navigation
The path planners with Pogamut find the shortest path based on the nav graph given to the bot by the game. Sometimes the only way to reach a certain location is by jumping, double-jumping, or using a mover like an elevator. However, sometimes there are multiple routes to a destination, some of which can be traversed by simply walking/running on solid ground, and other which involve jumping, elevators etc.
Is there a way to restrict the path planner to only plan along routes that don't involve jumping? Or that don't involve movers? Or both?
This is sort of related to my other post asking how to edit the nav graph. Basically, there is at least one example I'm annoyed by where the bot always jumps to cut a corner while walking on a cat-walk. There is an alternate path that involves keeping your feet planted on the cat-walk, and that is only slightly longer, but I would prefer the bot follow the slightly longer path because jumping to cut the corner sometimes screws up.
I know that the links store information about how they need to be traversed ... but can the path planner discriminate based on this info?