Pogamut Netbeans IDE Plugin

Can't start a Maven project from archetype

Hi all,

I followed the complete tutorial of Pogamut 3 with Maven (that pdf)
But while the tutorial says "Fill in the values, click ok, select the name of archetype you have added and you’re good to go!"
my Netbeans (7.0.1) gets stuck somewhere between selecting and 'good to go'. It starts to generate the archetype and downloads some things, but it gets stuck at downloading velocity-1.5.jar.
Do you have any tips?

By the way, the only thing I did not complete was the full checkout. I did get the UT2004 stuff, but after some time and several hundred MB it started downloading some lecture stuff, which I am really not interested in. Shouldn't that be excluded from the repository? I mean, it even includes homework of some students.

I hope someone can help.

By the way, I now also tried to create a project from the empty bot example folder in the pogamut repository, but then Netbeans tells me it is a misconfigured project. When I press clean and rebuild, Netbeans gets stuck after downloading: simple-logging-1.0.0.jar.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

> Hi all,
> I followed the complete tutorial of Pogamut 3 with Maven (that pdf)
> But while the tutorial says "Fill in the values, click ok, select the name of archetype you have added and you’re good to go!"
> my Netbeans (7.0.1) gets stuck somewhere between selecting and 'good to go'. It starts to generate the archetype and downloads some things, but it gets stuck at downloading velocity-1.5.jar.
> Do you have any tips?
> By the way, the only thing I did not complete was the full checkout. I did get the UT2004 stuff, but after some time and several hundred MB it started downloading some lecture stuff, which I am really not interested in. Shouldn't that be excluded from the repository? I mean, it even includes homework of some students.
> I hope someone can help.
> Cheers,
> Daniël
Hi, Daniel! And welcome to the forum!

I'm sorry to take my time to answer you.

I'm currently building release 3.2.5 of the Pogamut platform, so please be patient.

We've just migrated to NetBeans 7.1 and we're pulled out new installer, that will

1) install Apache Mave 3.0.4 for you
2) install NetBeans plugins (provided your having NetBeans 7.1 or 7.1.1 installed)
3) install GameBots2004 (provided your having UT2004 installer)
4) install all example archetypes project into your local maven repository so you can easily pick them up

Oh, NetBeans 6.9.1 are crappy when it comes to Maven, so you might meanwhile check:

1) you have Maven >= 3.0.2 installed
2) your NetBeans are picking up the correct version of maven
3) possibly try to use Eclipse to check whether they will stuck as well

Hi Jakub,

Thanks for your reply. That new installer sounds great! When do you expect it to be ready?

I found out that one of the problems was that I used 64-bit Java instead of 32-bit Java. So now I get to 50% of "processing archetype" (instead of the 25% of before).

I have tried both Maven 3.0.2 as 3.0.3, which was distributed with the version of Netbeans that I use (7.0.1). I'm quite sure it picks up the right version, but I guess that if it wouldn't pick up 3.0.2 it would use the built-in 3.0.3 which is at least >=3.0.2. By the way, could it be a problem that I use Netbeans 7.0.1. instead of 6.9.1?

Do you have any other tips for in the mean time? Like, would it be possible to manually link the source files of the example bots with the packages/libraries of pogamut? Is there some way to make Netbeans/Eclipse recognize the packages without using the Maven Archetype? Or should I just wait for the new installer?


> Hi all,
> I followed the complete tutorial of Pogamut 3 with Maven (that pdf)
> But while the tutorial says "Fill in the values, click ok, select the name of archetype you have added and you’re good to go!"
> my Netbeans (7.0.1) gets stuck somewhere between selecting and 'good to go'. It starts to generate the archetype and downloads some things, but it gets stuck at downloading velocity-1.5.jar.
> Do you have any tips?
> By the way, the only thing I did not complete was the full checkout. I did get the UT2004 stuff, but after some time and several hundred MB it started downloading some lecture stuff, which I am really not interested in. Shouldn't that be excluded from the repository? I mean, it even includes homework of some students.
> I hope someone can help.
> Cheers,
> Daniël
Hi Daniel!

New installer is out! It requires NetBeans 7.1.1, I'm going to push some news about it tomorrow (to much work at Uni and Industry of mine lately ;-( ... ).
Anyway, Installer should be good to go for 32-bit systems or systems having installed 32-bit Java (we should truly be checking for which version of Java
you have, but out-of-time to do it so far...). Also please be sure to let admin rights to the installer as well as having UAC turned off (Installer actually gives you
this warning, but I doubt people they truly reading stuff they should :-D, that was not meant as an offense just a sigh from my side, that everybody including
me thinks that everything should be working out of box...).

Hi Jakub,

That looks nice! Indeed, it installed the archetypes to my local hard disk.
Tip for the next installer: check whether someone has the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
I didn't have it (no idea why), but I had to look in the Maven files to see that that was the problem.

Unfortunately, I still can't open the archetype. When Netbeans generates the project, it starts downloading groovy from this repository:
Perhaps something is wrong with that repository? outdated perhaps? (since it says maven2)

I have downloaded and installed Groovy (1.8.6) separately, but Netbeans doesn't automatically recognize that I have it.

Any ideas on what I should do next?

Lol, I just downloaded the jar from the link in the message. Do you know where I should put it so Netbeans knows that it doesn't need to download it?

Thanks for the tip of JAVA_HOME, unfortunately there is hard to do with IzPack installer :-/
may be we should enforce this settings as well, trying to detect Java environment?
We'll try!

Regarding the JAR, you will have to install it manually to maven repository that is located (on Win7)


Looking at: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy/1.8.3/groovy-1.8.3.jar

Seems that GroupId is: org.codehaus.groovy
ArtifactId is: groovy
Version is 1.8.3

So the correct command would be:

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.codehaus.groovy -DartifactId=groovy -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.8.3 -Dfile=groovy-1.8.3.jar -DgeneratePom=true

Note that Maven first:
1) lookup in your local repo ... if found -> all good
2) try to download from world ... if found -> tries to download to your local repo
3) fails

I'm not sure why download is broken for you :-( I have never experienced that myself,
usually Maven fails if some depends is unresolvable (could not be found in any repo).

Cheers! And thanks for the tip with JAVA_HOME, we're going to implement it right away!


P.S.: Anyway, we're preparing PogamutUDK installer and PogamutDefcon installer as well,
that should get released today! So stay tuned :-)
Hi Jakub,

I got the empty bot example working! :-D nice!
It took some building, puzzling with dependencies, but I got it. However, I get similar errors when I try to load the other example bots and I can't seem to reproduce the same set of button clicks that got the first project working. For some reason Netbeans can't find/download pogamut-ut2004 snapshot 3.3.0.jar. I tried using an analogy of the Maven command you gave me. This was executed, but Netbeans does not seem to get it.

Could you give me a link to the pogamut-ut2004-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, so I can install it manually? (again..)

I also tried copying the new bots into the old project (to make them use Pogamut 3.2.0). This works for responsivebot, but not for NavigationBot, because cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.UT2004Navigation and cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.navigation.UT2004PathAutoFixer can't be found. Is it true that class is part of 3.3.0, but not of 3.2.0? I couldn't find it in the dependency explorer. Is there perhaps some other way to find those classes?

Also, to make emptybot and responsivebot work, I have to remove the @Override of botFirstSpawn.

This is the error I get when I try load the responsivebot project:

Could not transfer metadata cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples:01-responsive-bot-archetype:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to 01-responsive-bot-archetype-repo (local): No connector available to access repository 01-responsive-bot-archetype-repo (local) of type default using the available factories WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory
Failure to transfer cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples:01-responsive-bot-archetype:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from local was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of 01-responsive-bot-archetype-repo has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer metadata cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples:01-responsive-bot-archetype:3.3.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to 01-responsive-bot-archetype-repo (local): No connector available to access repository 01-responsive-bot-archetype-repo (local) of type default using the available factories WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory

I hope you can help :-)


> Hi all,
> I followed the complete tutorial of Pogamut 3 with Maven (that pdf)
> But while the tutorial says "Fill in the values, click ok, select the name of archetype you have added and you’re good to go!"
> my Netbeans (7.0.1) gets stuck somewhere between selecting and 'good to go'. It starts to generate the archetype and downloads some things, but it gets stuck at downloading velocity-1.5.jar.
> Do you have any tips?
> By the way, the only thing I did not complete was the full checkout. I did get the UT2004 stuff, but after some time and several hundred MB it started downloading some lecture stuff, which I am really not interested in. Shouldn't that be excluded from the repository? I mean, it even includes homework of some students.
> I hope someone can help.
> Cheers,
> Daniël
Hi Jakub,

I now understand how to load the archetype projects (p.e. I can start responsive-bot and raycasting-bot). The problem is that Netbeans can't find certain classes (like in navigation-bot. I believe this is because somehow I succesfully installed pogamut-ut2004 3.2.0, but not 3.3.0. I can search for some classes in the local Maven repository and then I find 3.2.0 versions. pogamut-ut2004-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar remains in my dependencies, but I think it does nothing. (by the way, pogamut-base-3.3.0 works fine)

To test this: is it true that
are part of pogamut-ut2004-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT, but not of 3.2.0 ?

If so, could you give me a link or maven command to the pogamut-ut2004-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT jar file?


> Hi all,
> I followed the complete tutorial of Pogamut 3 with Maven (that pdf)
> But while the tutorial says "Fill in the values, click ok, select the name of archetype you have added and you’re good to go!"
> my Netbeans (7.0.1) gets stuck somewhere between selecting and 'good to go'. It starts to generate the archetype and downloads some things, but it gets stuck at downloading velocity-1.5.jar.
> Do you have any tips?
> By the way, the only thing I did not complete was the full checkout. I did get the UT2004 stuff, but after some time and several hundred MB it started downloading some lecture stuff, which I am really not interested in. Shouldn't that be excluded from the repository? I mean, it even includes homework of some students.
> I hope someone can help.
> Cheers,
> Daniël
Actually, I see now that pogamut-ut2004-3.3.0-SNAPSHOT is replaced by version 3.2.0 in my dependencies when I fix the error messages. So I guess this supports my idea from the previous post

> Hi all,
> I followed the complete tutorial of Pogamut 3 with Maven (that pdf)
> But while the tutorial says "Fill in the values, click ok, select the name of archetype you have added and you’re good to go!"
> my Netbeans (7.0.1) gets stuck somewhere between selecting and 'good to go'. It starts to generate the archetype and downloads some things, but it gets stuck at downloading velocity-1.5.jar.
> Do you have any tips?
> By the way, the only thing I did not complete was the full checkout. I did get the UT2004 stuff, but after some time and several hundred MB it started downloading some lecture stuff, which I am really not interested in. Shouldn't that be excluded from the repository? I mean, it even includes homework of some students.
> I hope someone can help.
> Cheers,
> Daniël


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This work is supported by GA UK 1053/2007/A-INF/MFF (2007-8), GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF (2006-8), the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (grant MSM0021620838) (2008-9), by the Program "Information Society" under project 1ET100300517 (2006-9), and the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities (2006-8) and by the project CZ.2.17/3.1.00/31162, which are financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.