

Automating the running of multiple short games


I am trying to run simple death matches with my bot playing against 2 or 3 native bots in a series of games (one after the other). All the games have the same settings. The problem is restarting the game and having the native bots added automatically at the beginning of each new game.

At the moment, I use the following procedure. I start the server using the bat file, then start up netbeans and run my bot. I then manually add each of the native bots (I want to automate this whole procedure). What I was doing up to now was removing the time and score limit from the game so that they would run continually (a long term single game) until I decided to stop them. I ran into several problems with this as the bot inexplicably stopped and the connection was killed after a certain amount of time (between 20 and 30 hours). I don't think this problem would exist if I could automate the process of starting and stopping games after a short time period. I seen an example of someone using a bat file to run and kill the processes but I don't know how to add native bots if I did it this way. (can I run a jar file?)

Or do I need to use the CustomControlServer and, if so, how do I start/end specific game types and add my bot and the native bots to these games? Maybe this has been answered elsewhere but I couldn't find a post if it has.


Hi Frank!

Great news!

Not even that we have some support for running automatic matches between bots, but we have FULL support for it :-)

Just checkout project: svn://artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut/trunk/project/Addons/UT2004Tournament
and see test classes, where you can learn how to configure your own match.

We have FULL support for DeathMatch games (even with native bots) and some support for CaptureTheFlag games.

And the very best... it automatically:
1) starts up GameBots2004 dedicated server
2) performs the match watching out for failures (NPEs in bots)
3) collects huge amount of statistics exported into CSV ~ R friendly way
4) saves all bots & match logs
5) auto-creates match replay for you (use rK DemoWatcher to open them via windows explorer) so you can actually see the match!
6) all nicely packed within a directory of your choice

Let us know whether it satisfies your needs / ask more questions!


P.S.: piece of advice ... the safest way is to execute 1 match per machine ... theoretically you should be okey executin 5 matches in parallel on single machine ... just interleaves match starts with 2 minutes of time
That's excellent. Sounds exactly like what I'm looking for!!
At the moment, however, I'm having a problem connecting to:

I downloaded TortoiseSVN and when I try to connect I get the following error:

"Can't connect to host 'artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz': No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.' "

Is this the type of program I should be using to access it or should I be doing it from inside of NetBeans. The problem may be with my university internet connection or my anti-virus? Can this addon only be accessed through SVN?

Thanks for your help and last very quick reply!!

1) it's not NetBeans plugin ... its another Maven Java project
2) it's accessible only via SVN - e.g., TortoiseSVN
3) I've tested "svn co svn://artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut/trunk/project/Addons/UT2004Tournament" from command line at work at it downloaded the project OK, so it might be due to your Uni connection
4) you can actually use it inside your project without the checkout, just add dependency to your project's pom.xml

5) but I advise you to checkout the whole project so you can see its test classes that serves as an example how to use it

6) alternatively check the example within: svn://artemis.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut/trunk/project/Main/PogamutUT2004Examples/05-DeathMatch1v1



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This work is supported by GA UK 1053/2007/A-INF/MFF (2007-8), GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF (2006-8), the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (grant MSM0021620838) (2008-9), by the Program "Information Society" under project 1ET100300517 (2006-9), and the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities (2006-8) and by the project CZ.2.17/3.1.00/31162, which are financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.