
.urt Maps for Pogamut Emohawk

I've been using the Emohawk maps to get my students acclimated in the environment and working through tutorials. Ultimately we'd like to get some weapons in so they can try programming in various techniques for surviving in a last man standing sort of competition.

Using UnrealEd, I can open the Emohawk maps, but I can't seem to place weapon generators. I only see one (don't remember the name of it at the moment), but it doesn't place on the map. I can place ItemGun, but that doesn't seem to be recognized as a gun by the sample bots (e.g. Hunter Bot).

Does anyone have a map they'd be willing to share they've gotten to work for the Emohawk version? Or tips on using UnrealEd to add weapons?
Hi! Thank you for using our platform! May I ask you, which university are you from?

Unfortunately UnrealEngine2 does not support "shooting" as default. To use weapons you have to buy UT2004 for your students and use PogamutUT2004 instead.

It would be possible to add weapons to UE2 but that would require a lot of custom coding in UnrealScript, which we do not plan to do ;-(

I will contact Michal Bida aka Knight that is our UnrealScript expert to answer your question and point you to some resources.

If you figure out, how to add weapons to UE2 and would like to share your code, we would be more than happy to implement them inside PogamutEmohawk library.

From my experiences, there are lot of custom weapons for UT2004, but I'm not sure about UnrealEngine2, as UE2 lacks a lot of classes that are inside UT2004 code base.

Well, at least that explains why we've been having so much trouble getting it to work!

Purchasing UT2004 isn't in our budget, so we'll stick to capture the flag and scavenger hunt sorts of exercises.

Oh, and I'm at Muskingum University.
I understand. We have experimental port into Unreal Development Kit, but that is far from being polished.

Currently, we have plans for switching on Unreal Tournament 3.

And thanks for letting us know you're using our tool!

At least, some good news ...

I have a student that just started a project to extend Project Emohawk environment with:
1) new actions like: offer / give / take / propose / etc. (he is going to look into speech acts / FIPA as well)
2) inventory
3) lot of objects (including coins)
4) object interactions (e.g. there will be possibility to cook things, even burn them if you are not careful ;-)
5) provide these actions for human player as well

It should be finished next semester and this project will greatly increase how ProjectEmohawk can be used.



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This work is supported by GA UK 1053/2007/A-INF/MFF (2007-8), GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF (2006-8), the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (grant MSM0021620838) (2008-9), by the Program "Information Society" under project 1ET100300517 (2006-9), and the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities (2006-8) and by the project CZ.2.17/3.1.00/31162, which are financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.