Chapter 2. Pogamut UT2004 Development

Table of Contents

Building from sources
GB <-> PogamutUT2004 communication
Unit Tests

Building from sources

Getting sources and building PogamutUT2004

First install Subversion client as a source version control system and Apache Ant as a build system.

Sources can be downloaded from Subversion repository by command:

svn checkout svn://

after downloading you can build PogamutUT2004 project by

cd PogamutUT2004
ant jar

this will create a jar file in dist subdirectory, documentation can be created by

ant doc

documentation will show in dist/doc subdirectory.

Don't forget that in order to connect to the game you have to install the GameBots2004 interface. To do this you have to copy all files from gamebots directory to UT2004/System.

Building Netbeans plugin

Netbeans plugin for PogamutUT2004 is in PogamutNBSuite directory, you can build from the IDE or from command line

cd PogamutNBSuite
ant nbms

Making installer

IzPack is used for packaging the whole Pogamut. Installer can be created by

cd PogamutUT2004
ant -f build-install.xml make-installer

web based version of the installer is created by

ant -f build-install.xml make-web-installer

Resulting files will be in dist directory.

Source scripts for the installer are in PogamutUT2004/installer.