This is an old revision of the document!


our student/s :-) and everybody else who is interested in PogamutUT2004.

This page will store all the slides we're going to show during practice lessons. Slides will always contains the assignment for you, so even if you miss the practice, you can still obtain some points by finishing the assignment.


Final Test/Exam Days


Sending the assignment

When sending a homework through email use the subject Pogamut homework 2013 - Assignment X replacing “X” with the number of the assignment you're submitting.


Friday's lectures, Jakub Gemrot:

Thursday's lectures, Michal Bída: michal /tecka/ bida /zavinac/ gmail /tecka/ com

How to pass the practice

First, you should see hours-dotation (XLSX) for the whole course.

Then you should study scoring-system (XLSX) for the practice that gives you details how you can obtain points and how many you need to pass the practice.

Long story short, you have to get at least 142 points to be admitted to Practice Final Test. If you obtain 174 points or more you automatically passes the practice (you don't have to go to Practice Final Test). You can get points for the attendance, short tests (done ONLY during the lesson), doing your homeworks or winning tournaments.

In order to get to the Final Exam of the Course you have to:

  • pass the Practice (by getting enough points and/or passing Practice Final Test)
  • do whatever Cyril says you have to do (participating in experiments, etc.)

Lectures history

Promo (PPTX), (PDF)

  • Slides that gives you an overview what ordeal (translate as 'fun') awaits you during practice lessons :-)

Lecture 1 (PDF)

  • Practice scoring details - read them very carefully
  • Java Revisited
  • Which Java version is required (recommended for advanced users), what IDEs you can use
  • How to install SVN and Maven + “how-to-use” links
  • Assignment 1
    • Install Subversion and Maven
    • Finish implementation of Java classes
    • Confirm that your implementation works by successfully passing all bundled JUnit tests

Scoring - Attendance/Tests/Homeworks/Tournaments

  • Provided as Google Doc, mail us to receive the link (cannot be made public due to the law)

Pogamut 3 Version


  • Pogamut UT2004 3.5.0 and Pogamut Emohawk Installer 3.5.0. Get them at Pogamut download page
  • date: 25.2.2013
  • For Pogamut UT2004 Installer you have to have UT2004 installed somewhere.
  • Both installers will install: Maven 3.0.4, NetBeans plugins, Pogamut Example archetypes. Note that you need NetBeans 7.1.2, otherwise Pogamut archetypes won't be accessible from NetBeans context menu (New Project → Maven → Project From Archetype → Local Archetypes Catalog).
  • Before you launch the bot, you need to start Unreal server:
    • For UT2004, go to directory Unreal Anthology/UT2004/System and there launch startGamebotsDMServer.bat. To observe the bot in the environment launch startUT2004low.bat from the same directory.
    • For UnrealEngine2Runtime, go to directory UnrealEngine2RuntimeDemo/System/ and there launch startEmohawkServer.bat. To observe the bot in the environment launch startUE2Runtime.bat (after the server is launched).


  • If you have UT2004 installed, you can follow guidelines of tutorial Pogamut 3 quickstart tutorial found at Pogamut Documentation page. However, we recommend to use installers above.


Q: I am missing help on all methods, attributes and classes (Javadoc is not working). :-/
A: In NetBeans open your project and right click the Dependencies folder, click Download Javadoc, NetBeans should now download Javadoc and the help should be working. If it is not, click also Download Sources and after it is done (watch lower right progress bar) restart NetBeans. Sometimes NetBeans refuse to show help - it can be usually resolved by trying to Download Javadoc several times.

Q: How to get account in our computer laboratory for non-MFF students?

  • b) Get the network administrator of students school to sign the form above (if you are unable to get the signature, then ask Cyril Brom)
  • c) Go to the SISAL, Mala Strana, fourth floor - in the corridor in the back and there they will create an account for you

Q: How do I create PogamutUT2004 Bot project in NetNeans from archetype?
A: Its easy. Simply click New Project, from categories choose Maven. From projects choose Maven project. Click on Next. Click on Add… button and the NetBeans will ask you about archetype details. That is :

Full list of available archetypes can be found here. (always use repository above)

Also be sure that NetBeans is using Maven 3.0.4! Obtain Maven from here: Maven 3.0.4. After unpacking, go to NetBeans→Tools→Options→Miscellaneous→sheet Maven→set Maven home directory.

Q: I have a problem with imports - the NetBeans help doesn't work. :-/
A: Two solutions, either add PogamutUT2004.jar and PogamutCore.jar to libraries to your project (the help should be working), or add imports to your class manually. Some useful imports:

import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.worldview.object.*; //for Location, Velocity..
import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbcommands.*; //GB commands
import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.*; //GB messages

Q: I am a student and want to use Pogamut, but I don't have UT2004.
A: Unfortunately school cannot provide you with UT2004 - however you are free to use Pogamut in SW1 laboratory (when it is free) and there is one Pogamut computer in MS lab (far end against the entrance) where we can create an account for you. Second solution is to use UnrealEngine2RuntimeDemo exclusively, which is free for educational purposes and which is installed with Pogamut Emohawk installer.

Q: How to disable master server authentication in UT2004?
A: In UT2004/System/UT2004.ini find [IpDrv.MasterServerUplink] and set the following:


Q: I'm trying to setup @EventListener or @ObjectClassEventListener in POSH actions (or senses) and they are not working, why?
A: These listeners works only in XxxContext classes. You have to declare them there and then access them from actions or senses.


Assignments for the purpose of Artificial beings course were financially supported by the project CZ.2.17/3.1.00/33274 financed by the European Social Fund (2011 - 2013).

Prague and EU: we invest into your future!

human-like_artifical_agents_2011-12_summer_semester.1361788684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/25 11:38 by jakub.gemrot