Pogamut Quarterly Report 04/2010

michal.bida Wednesday 12 of January, 2011
During the end of 2010 we were working on 3.1 release - fixing installer and other issues. Current state of the art is that UT2004 bots should work fine. UDK bots as well, but UDK bots were not properly tested yet. DEFCON should work too, but the code requires finishing touches and some debugging that we will focus on in next releases. Note that we have fixed several minor bugs that are not in the installer, but are already in Pogamut SVN. Consult how to use Pogamut SVN version.
  • In a nutshell: Pogamut 3.1 was released and should be stable

We are working on:
  • we're seriously working on Team of bots support, meaning you will have a possibility to have bots with shared worldviews which you could use for inter-agent communication using your own custom messages
  • we're working on UT2004DeathMatch class that will allow you to easily run tournaments of bots, just wrap all contestant bots into jar file and let UT2004DeathMatch execute them, observe, create UT2004 replay + CSV/HTML report
  • We want to convert our build scripts from Ant to Maven, there around 20 Pogamut projects and dependencies between them are getting more and more complex, migration to Maven will hopefully make it easier to set up continuous integration and the whole ecosystem of healthy software project
  • more complex examples - advanced Hunter bot
  • work on debugger for SPOSH plans continues
  • Emohawk interactive game built on Pogamut and StoryFactory - simple tool for scripting stories in Unreal Engine 2. More info: Emohawk homepage

Do you have a project built on top of the Pogamut platform? If yes and you want it to be mentioned in the next release of "Pogamut quarterly" or have a link from the Pogamut homepage, then let us know!

All the best,
The Pogamut Team

Permalink: https://pogamut.cuni.cz/main/tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=23