GameBotsUDK for UnrealEngine 3! (beta)

michal.bida Monday 31 of May, 2010

We have a great news - we have ported GameBots to UnrealEngine 3 - we have created GameBotsUDK that work in UDK (Unreal Development Kit). UDK is a free version of UnrealEngine 3 that features a bot deathmatch game type and two maps. Also, it can be easily extended as development tools are present as well.

GameBotsUDK are now in beta stage. Movement commands and exporting information about environment works. However, there is still some debugging and features adding to do. GameBotsUDK can be used with Pogamut 3.

To install the GameBotsUDK:
  1. Download UDK from UDK site
  2. Extract the GameBotsUDK zip file to UDK\UDK-2010-05 directory. (Its important that both GameBots sources and ini file gets extracted to correct folders!)
  3. Then go to UDK\UDK-2010-05\UDKGame\Config]UDKEngine.ini, find there EdirPackages and add at the end line "EditPackages=GameBotsUDK" (without quotes)
  4. Go to UDK\UDK-2010-05\Binaries\ and run "udk make" from command line to complie GameBotsUDK
  5. start the server by typing from command line "udk server DM-Deck?game=GameBotsUDK.BotDeathMatch"
  6. you can connect the bot to port 3000 now (through Pogamut, telnet, whatever)

Latest version of GameBotsUDK can be obtained from our svn repository here: GameBotsUDK in svn

