Interface AStarMap<NODE>

public interface AStarMap<NODE>

This class represents the search space for A* algorithm 1) we need to know which neighbours the node has 2) we need to know the travel cost between two nodes (edge cost)

Method Summary
 int getEdgeCost(NODE nodeFrom, NODE nodeTo)
          Should return the distance from nodeFrom to nodeTo You can be sure that nodeTo is among the neighbours of nodeFrom.
 java.util.Collection<NODE> getNodeNeighbours(NODE node)
          This should return a collection of nodes which are connected to this one.

Method Detail


int getEdgeCost(NODE nodeFrom,
                NODE nodeTo)
Should return the distance from nodeFrom to nodeTo You can be sure that nodeTo is among the neighbours of nodeFrom.

nodeFrom -
nodeTo -
cost of an edge


java.util.Collection<NODE> getNodeNeighbours(NODE node)
This should return a collection of nodes which are connected to this one.