Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.utils.logging

Interface Summary
IAgentLogger Basic interface for agent's logs.
IJMXAgentLogger Part of the IAgentLogger interface that is exposed via MBean.
ILogPublisher Java logging API relies on handlers for publishing records, we have created one instance of this Handler (LogHandler instnace) and delegate abstract methods from Handler on the publisher interface.

Class Summary
AbstractAgentLogger All logging apis are fine ...
AbstractLogCategories Class that wraps the map with log categories.
AgentLogger All logging apis are fine ...
LogCategories Class that wraps the map with log categories.
LogCategory Instance that serves as a gateway for your log messages.
LogCategoryFilter Simple filter for LogCategory - it is instantiated with the instance of the LogCategory (or array of them) which it should accept.
LogFormatter Pogamut custom formatter used as default formatter for LogPublisher.
LogHandler Handler for the messages - instantiated without publisher.
LogPublisher Implementation for the ILogPublisher interface that contains a Formatter for the LogRecords.
NetworkLogClient Client that may be used to obtain logs from arbitrary number of agents that are publishing their logs via NetworkLogManager.
NetworkLogClient.LoggingStarted Event that marks that the client has successfully connected to the remote side and is ready to receive logs.
NetworkLogClient.LoggingStopped Event that marks that client has been disconnected (or stopped).
NetworkLogClient.LogRead Event/message containing another log-record produced by the remote agent.
NetworkLogEnvelope Used to send/receive log messages that NetworkLogManager publishes.
NetworkLogManager A class used for network logging of agents.
NetworkLogPublisher Publisher that is used by AbstractAgentLogger that passes all the logs into NetworkLogManager.