Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.impl

Class Summary
AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT> Stub implementation of the IPathExecutor that implements several trivial methods from the interface leaving the important one to be implemented by descendants.
BasePathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT> BasePathExecutor provides a stub implementation of abstract methods of the AbstractPathExecutor which correctly sets the path executor states along the way and provide methods for reporting failures.
BasePathExecutorState Represents simple implementation of the IPathExecutorState containing just the state.
PathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> Simple implementation of the IPathFuture interface that assumes the computation to be dependent on some IComponents.
PrecomputedPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> Serves as a IPathFuture that contains pre-set result, i.e., you do not need the future, you just want to pass down some value...