Forum: PogamutUDK

Configuring Eclipse for build

Downloaded Eclipse 64bit + JRE 64 bit.

Imported the Utils projects first.

I got a bunch of missing imports:
  • junit
  • maven
  • org.codehaus.plexus.*
  • org.python.*
  • etc etc ...

What's the best way to satisfy these imports in Eclipse?
So instead of importing existing projects into Eclipse, I imported Maven projects into Eclipse. First I imported all the Utils and started building them, they seemed to run ok. Then I removed all the Utils from my Eclipse workspace and only added Pogamut-base,pogamutudk,pogamut-unreal.

Pogamut-base and pogamut-unreal seemed to build and export to jars ok.
Pogamutudk is having problems.
  • No marketplace entries found to handle maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run in Eclipse.
  • No marketplace entries found to handle Execution generate-gbudk-messages-parser-docbook, in /pom.xml in Eclipse.

I guess I'm going to find maven-antrun-plugin 1.6 and install in Eclipse first.
Also for each one of the projects the builders appear in this order:
  • Java Builder
  • Missing builder (org.maven.ide.eclipse.maven2Builder)
  • Maven Project Builder
Thanks for your patience.
Installed m2e from inside Eclipse.

  • pogamut-udk still complains about maven-antrun-plugin:1.6 when importing POM.
  • org.maven.ide.eclipse.maven2Builder is still marked as missing builder for all projects.
I commented out the plugin nodes from pom.xml and that removed the error. Not sure if that will break the build or not.

I have a couple more errors in and KeyEvent cannot be resolved to a type.