This page is dedicated to lectures UDK Game Development held at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague in winter semester 2011/2012.
Basic info about how to start developing in UDK can be found here: UDK Development Tutorial.
You can contact me with any questions at michal [dot] bida [at] gmail [dot] com. Subject: UDK Game Development.
Basic characters and animations, UnrealScript basics. Download udn models source data that we will import into UDK.
Code sample 1:
HUDType=class'UDKMod.MyHUD' PlayerControllerClass=class'UDKMod.MyPlayerController' ConsolePlayerControllerClass=class'UTGame.UTConsolePlayerController' DefaultPawnClass=class'UTPawn' PlayerReplicationInfoClass=class'UTGame.UTPlayerReplicationInfo' GameReplicationInfoClass=class'UTGame.UTGameReplicationInfo' DeathMessageClass=class'UTDeathMessage' PopulationManagerClass=class'UTPopulationManager' BotClass=class'UTBot'
Code sample 2:
//Setup default NPC mesh Begin Object Class=SkeletalMeshComponent Name=NPCMesh0 SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'RocketBoxMalesExtended.SkelMesh.casual04_m_highpoly' AnimSets(0)=AnimSet'RocketBoxMaleAnims.RocketBoxMaleAnims' AnimSets(1)=AnimSet'PogamutCharactersAnims.PogamutMaleForRocketBox' LightEnvironment=MyLightEnvironment AnimtreeTemplate=AnimTree'RocketBoxMalesExtended.AT_RocketBox_Scripted' End Object NPCMesh=NPCMesh0 Mesh=NPCMesh0 Components.Add(NPCMesh0)
Code sample 3:
Begin Object Class=StaticMeshComponent Name=PathMarkerComponent bUsePrecomputedShadows=false bAcceptsStaticDecals=false StaticMesh=StaticMesh'UN_SimpleMeshes.TexPropCube_Dup' WireframeColor=(R=255,G=0,B=0,A=0) bDisableAllRigidBody=true CastShadow=false bCastDynamicShadow=false bSelfShadowOnly=true bAcceptsLights=true bAcceptsDynamicLights=true bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows=true End Object StaticMeshComponent=PathMarkerComponent Components.Remove(StaticMeshComponent0) Components.Add(PathMarkerComponent) Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent NAME=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=+00030.000000 CollisionHeight=+00020.000000 CollideActors=true End Object CollisionComponent=CollisionCylinder Components.Add(CollisionCylinder) DrawScale=0.03 bStatic=false bCollideActors=true
UDK introduction and some basic examples. Slides from the lecture.
Install UDK on your laptop according the UDK Development Tutorial. Then compile and run example 2 (either install Visual Studio with nFringe or compile it manually).
Several examples of simple map levels featuring some Kismet mechanics. To install it, download it and unzip it in UDK/UDKGame/Content
directory. Features:
A simple working mod that features several simple game mechanics. To install it, download it and unzip it in UDK/Development/Src
directory. Features:
Note: You need to recompile UDK for this to work (with proper settings - so the UDK knows it should compile this mod as well)! See UDK Development Tutorial. Afterwards, run the game by typing:
“udk DM-Deck?game=UDKMod.MyGame” from UDK/Binaries/Win32
directory . ALT + H displays HUD help. ALT + C creates “PacMan” cubes.
Creation of this course was partially supported by the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities, which is financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.
Inovace kurzu v letech 2011/2 a 2012/3 byly podpořeny projektem CZ.2.17/3.1.00/33274 financovaným Evropským sociálním fondem a rozpočtem hlavního města Prahy.
Evropský sociální fond
Praha & EU: Investujeme do vaší budoucnosti