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Default layout of the repos, common for many SVN reposes

/trunk Contains Pogamut 3 version - Pogamut 2 is no longer developed.
/branches Branches of the repository, see 1).
/tags Tags for the svn.

Latest Pogamut 3 version can be found in branches/devel/

Pogamut 3 SVN layout

Latest Pogamut 3 version can be found in trunk/

/trunk/project Here lies projects of the platform, e.g. Core and NB plugin + installer and other side projects.
/trunk/project/CoreThe PogamutCore project aka GaviaLib.
/trunk/project/PogamutUT2004Pogamut UT2004 game binding.
/trunk/project/PogamutUDKPogamut UDK game binding.
/trunk/project/PogamutUT2004/docDocumentation for Pogamut UT2004 extension.
/trunk/project/PogamutDefConPogamut DEFCON game binding.
/trunk/project/PogamutNBSuitePogamut NetBeans plugin.
/trunk/project/gamebotsContains GameBots2004 modification for UT2004.
/trunk/project/GameBotsUE2Contains GameBotsUE2 modification for UnrealEngine runtime.
/trunk/project/toolsContains tools used in Pogamut.
/trunk/project/addonsDirectory for various subprojects.
/trunk/project/addons/coreSubprojects adding core functionality (eg. GRID).
/trunk/project/addons/pluginSubprojects adding new functionality to the Netbeans plugin.

Proposed SVN layout

Proposed SVN layout:

Directory Description
/common Directory for common projects that can be used in any platform, common projects can only depend on other common projects.
/common/GaviaLib General purpose library for connecting agents to virtual environment using messages
/common/tools Various tools that help, such as T3DLoader or docbook-xml.
/Defcon Libraries necessary for connecting Pogamut to the Defcon, example bots…
/HL2 Libraries for connecting Pogamut to the Half-life 2, modules, example bots, archetypes..
/Unreal/UDK/ Directory for projects specific to UDK.
/Unreal/UDK/GameBots Specific flavor of GB for UDK.
/Unreal/UE2-Runtime/GameBots Specific flavor of GB for UE2-Runtime (no shooting).
/Unreal/UT2004/ Projects intended for UT2004, however the
/Unreal/UT2004/GameBots Specific flavor of GB for UT2004.
/Unreal/UT2004/UT2004GaviaLib Library that builds on the GaviaLib and provides various user-friendly modules.
/Unreal/UT2004/UT2004Plugin Plugin to NetBeans, provides wizard projects for new bots, maps and UT server and bot management
/Unreal/UT3/GameBots Specific flavor of GB for UT3.

Variant, where every project would have its own svn, has also been proposed. That would be beneficial especially to Gamebots, that have to maintain multiple versions for various platforms.

SVN Branches and How to