Name: Virtual Argument modeling
You will learn: UnrealRuntime2Demo, Pogamut API, affective architecture
Difficulty: moderate
Excitement: Learn something about artificial emotions and BDI architectures
Description: There is simple interactive game called Emohawk Scenario (development name). There are two girls and a boy that is going out with both of them. Now what happens when all three meet? One would expect that it won't be very happy encounter. Help us to model these kinds of emotional intensive encounters by developing a model of action selection affected by agent emotional state. Help us to develop a control model with our experimental device fluffy ball (picture below).
Further Reading: 1. [[| Pogamut platform]]
2. [[| Pogamut Games]]
3. Stuchlíková, I.: Základy psychologie emocí, Portál, Praha, 2002.
4. Ortony, A., Clore, G., L., Collins, A.: The cognitive structure of emotions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1988.
How to sign up: Information [[Bachelor and Master thesis proposals| here]] .