==== Task: ==== Create a new Netbeans wrapper module for JavaProject that rebuilds itself when it should. Using this increases change-build-run developement cycle. ==== What is wrong with normal Netbeans wizzard? ==== Nothing, unless you change the project that created the encapsulated jar in the first place, which we do a lot. Example: SposhCore JavaProject is encapsulated in PogamutNbUTSposhCore. When you change something in SposhCore and compile it, you have to replace the jar that is stored in PogamutNbUTSposhCore. ==== Howto ==== We'll call java project JP and wrapper module WM. === Create a WP from JP using NB wizzard. === === Alter WM build.xml === Add following build.xml after and stuff ** Remember to change the paths and variables to suit your project. *** === Alter WM Project.xml === * To WP Project.xml add ext/JP.jar ../path/to/project/dist/JP.jar to /project/configuration/data