====== Intro ======
This page contains topics for bachelor and master's thesis that student from [[http://www.mff.cuni.cz/|MFF]] at [[http://www.cuni.cz|Charles University]] may choose from. Even though this page is in English, you may write your thesis in English, Czech or Slovak language.
===== How to sign up =====
If you are considering signing up for a theme below, your next step should be to email to gemrot@gamedev.cuni.cz with the subject Bakal2018 or Dipl2018 stating:
* your name
* your prefered topics
* the name of your teacher of the practicum of Programovani II
* your motivation (i.e. why do you prefer these topics)
* your previous programming experience (there is no need to have previous programming experience)
* describe the largest project you've been working on that was finished (i.e., you can show us if it is in presentable state)
* send us the source code of this project and its DOCUMENTATION (or a web link) - if possible
Additionally, you are welcome to have any questions!
**The purpose of this email is to help us to select a topic that will suit you most and not to exclude those who have limited programming experience.**
Email to Jakub Gemrot, even if you want a topic supervivised by a different supervisor (from the list below).
After you send us the email, you should visit us in the "office" hours.
===== Office hours =====
* **On request!** Email me and I send you details, no worries :)
* Jakub Gemrot
===== Useful infos =====
As you will browse through the themes, you may find out that some topics require you to work with the Pogamut platform. It would be probably the best to read the [[http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz|HomePage]] and [[guidelines:pogamut_3_agent_architecture|Architecture (a bit outdated, good for overview)]] pages to get your first impressions about the platform.
By default, it is expected that all so-called "personal projects" will later become bachelor theses. You should expect continuous work on your thesis and will be required to deliver regular updates and a working beta until **September 2017**.
====== Themes ======
* Note that even if some topic is already //ONGOING// or //DONE// it usually can be bend towards new goals or connect on an existing work.
**Bohemia Interactive Simulations**
* Follows the link to document with topics that you can work on with collaboration of a consultant from [[https://bisimulations.com/|Bohemia Interactive Simulations]]
* [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/13RXnsEhetBgqrjjNGdmJPPXpd_OQBpqQKM6-mhbxxD0/edit?usp=sharing|Thesis topics]] //Masters only//
* If you are interested in anyone of those, email Jakub Gemrot
**Supervisor - Jakub Gemrot**
* General GameDev Themes
* General guidelines for GameDev works are summarized [[http://bit.ly/mffgdthesis|here]] (CZE only), it gives rough impressions on how complex GameDev thesis can and should be (both Bc. and MSc.)
* Feel free to come up with a custom thesis based on that [[http://bit.ly/mffgdthesis|document above]]!
* GameDev
* [[MMO using Microsoft Azure Cloud and Microservices]] //Master (GameDev, I2)//
* [[Optimization in Unity3D]] //Master (GameDev, I2)//
* Unreal Tournament
* [[Tournament server for UT2004 bots]] //Master (I2)//
* [[theme:UT2004 Bots Live-Coding]] //Master (I2)//
* [[theme:UT2004 NavMesh Visiblitiy Matrix]] //Bachelor//
* [[theme:DeathMatch Bot AI with Alpha Beta Prunning and oponnent modelling|DeathMatch Bot AI with Alpha Beta Prunning and opponent modelling]] //Master (I1)//
* [[behavior_tree_editor|Behavior tree editor improvements]] //Bachelor//
* [[theme:Formations in team-based game modes of Unreal Tournament 2004]] //Bachelor//
* [[GameBots for UnrealEngine4]] //Bachelor / Master (GameDev, I2)//
* [[theme:IVA Query Language]] // Master (GameDev, Software systems) //
* Path-finding
* [[theme:Path-finding for Groups|Navigation for Groups]] // Master (GameDev, I1) //
* VR
* [[Oculus VR Immersion]] // Bachelor / Master (GameDev, I1, I2) // (can be scaled up/down)
* You can come up with anything for Oculus / HTC Vive
* StarCraft: BroodWar
* You can do almost anything in SCBW (strategy, tactics, movement, macro/micro, opponent modelling, etc.)
* Use following [[https://sites.google.com/site/santiagoontanonvillar/publications/pdfs/survey.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1|Paper 1]] and [[http://www.lcc.uma.es/~ccottap/papers/lara13review.pdf|Paper 2]] as a crossroad what people around the world are doing with SCBW
* Frameworks
* [[theme:Rogue-like Game Maker Toolkit]] //Master (I2)//
* [[NextGen Behaviore Tree Editor]] //Master (GameDev, I1, I2)//
* Game Playing
* [[DOTA2 Bots]] //Bachelor / Master (GameDev, I1, I2)//
* [[Hearthstone Card Game Analysis]] //Bachelor / Master (GameDev, I1)//
* [[Generating RPG encounters]] // Bachelor / Master (GameDev, I1, I2) // (can be scaled up/down)
* [[Multiagent MarioAI]] //Bachelor//
* [[General Videogame Playing]] // Bachelor / Master(GameDev, I1, I2) //
* [[theme:Adventure story generator]] // Master (GameDev, I1, I2) //
* [[theme:Generating strategic grid games]] //Master (I1)//
* [[theme:General game playing]] //Master (I1)//
* [[theme:Tyrian AI]] //Master (I1, I2)//
* Game AI
* [[theme:SpelunkBots]] //Bachelor/Master (GameDev, I1)//
* [[theme:AI Game Competition]] //Bachelor/Master// (together with Michal Bída)
* Board games
* [[Playing BoardGames|Playing Modern Board Games]] //Master (GameDev, I1)//
* [[theme:Improving Machinations]] // Master (GameDev, I1, I2) //
* [[theme:Heard simulation of boids for KCD]] //Master (GameDev, I1)//
* PCG (general resources: [[http://pcg.wikidot.com/|PCG Wiki]], [[http://pcgbook.com/|PCG Book]])
* [[theme:Procedural generation of RPG quests]] //Bachelor/Master//
* [[theme:Procedural generation of RPG maps]] //Master//
* [[theme:Procedural generation of race tracks]] //Bachelor/Master//
* [[theme:Procedural generation of UT2004 maps]] //Bachelor/Master//
* [[theme:Procedural generation of Games]] //Master (I1)//
* [[theme:Procedural generation of Skill trees]] //Bachelor/Master (I1)//
* Others
* [[theme:Multi-device Desktop]] // Master (GameDev, Software systems) //
* [[theme:Immersive Feedback to User Touch Inputs]] // Master (GameDev, I2) //
* [[theme:WC Compass]] // Bachelor (Programming) //
**Supervisor - Michal Bida**
* AVAILABLE [[theme:Create Teaching Virtual Assistant for Czechitas]] (not based on Pogamut) //Bachelor / Master//
* AVAILABLE [[theme:Analyse and clustering of blog articles]] (not based on Pogamut) //Bachelor / Master//
* AVAILABLE [[theme:Like it or hate it - automatic analysis of FanFiction fantasy novels]] (not based on Pogamut) // Master//
* AVAILABLE [[theme:ChatBot Student Advisor for Czechitas]] (not based on Pogamut) // Master//
* AVAILABLE [[theme:Train NN classifying emotional charge of pictures]] (not based on Pogamut) // Master//
* ------------
* Not Available [[StoryFactory extension]] //Bachelor / Master//
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* ONGOING [[theme:Create sandbox for cognitive experiments in virtual reality]] //Bachelor / Master//
* ONGOING [[Generating Comics with Emoticons]] //Bachelor / Master//
* ONGOING [[theme:Improve Pogamut PathFinding]] //Bachelor //
* ------------
* FINISHED [[theme:Insect Wings Vector Analysis]] (not based on Pogamut) //Bachelor / Master//
* FINISHED [[theme:Minecraft AI]] //Bachelor / Master//
* FINISHED [[Capture the Flag bot]] //Bachelor / Master//
* FINISHED [[UsarSim integration]] //Bachelor / Master//
* FINISHED [[Virtual Argument modeling]] //Bachelor / Master//
**Supervisor - Cyril Brom**
* (only for students of education/teaching) [[https://is.cuni.cz/studium/dipl_st/index.php?id=&tid=&do=main&doo=detail&did=146381|Motivational effects of computer-based educational simulations]] //Bachelor / Master//