Forum: General

Issue Starting 'startUE2GamebotsServer.bat'

Hey guys,

When I run startUE2GamebotsServer.bat
I get the following error in the windows command shell:

C:\Windows\system32>UCC server EM_Runtime?game=GameBotsUE2.Scenario
'UCC' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file

Hi Tom! Welcome to the forum :-)

It seems you're trying to startup the UCC from the wrong directory.
Your command line is suggesting you're inside "C:\Windows\system32"

You will have to change the directory to the directory where you have installed UT2004 + Gamebots.

E.g., I have UT2004 in: D:\Games\UT2004

So I have to be in the directory: D:\Games\UT2004\System

And than, I can fire up: UCC server EM_Runtime?game=GameBotsUE2.Scenario

Ah great - Fixed.
No problem,

where was the original problem?
Was it triggered by following link from the "Start menu"?
That is, our installation has done something wrong?

No nothing wrong on your part.
I was running the .bat by "double clicking" on it, I hadn't realized that caused it to execute from C:\Windows\system32 by default.
Thanks again.
