Forum: General

Pogamut and UT2004 run problems

I have problems with running pogamut, the bot appears in the game, but it does nothing or it moves after a long while a bit and does nothing again. Here is the output: run log.
It slows down my pc and I had to restart my pc several times. I tried to shutdown firewall and antivirus. I tried to run the bot from netbeans 6.9.1, netbeans with pogamut plugin and eclipse. From eclipse it't not possible to run the bot at all. Netbeans behave strange - when the UT2004 game is running, it seams that the netbeans are somewhat blocked (slowed down).
Please help me.

Zuzana Burešová
Hi! Welcome to the forum :-)

You're NetBeans is using JDK 1.6.0

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0

Please install latest JDK (32 bit version) from here:

It seems that first path has been obtained OK from UT2004 thus I suspect that Java might screw up (even though this is very unlikely).

Regarding Eclipse, you will first need to install M2Eclipse plugin + edit eclipse.ini and add:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jdk1.6.0_24/bin

Note that path might be different, but you will need to sustain "2 lines", do not merge it into "1 line".

Than the bot from Eclipse should run just fine.
