Forum: Pogamut Netbeans IDE Plugin

Netbeans plugins not appearing


I have just installed the pogamut program on my computer. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, Netbeans 6.9.1 and the newest JDK. I had to disable User Account Control in order for the installation JAR to be able to write in my Program Files X86 folder.

The install proceeds without issues and finishes successfully. When I go to netbeans, it appears to update and load the new pogamut modules but when I go to File>New Project, I don't have any of the Pogamut templates in my categories.
Why are they not installing themselves and how can I get them on there?
If I go to Tools>Plugins inside of Netbeans I see that under the Installed tab I have Pogamut NB UT2004, Pogamut NB UDK, Pogamut NB Base, POSHSupport NB, PogamutNB Unreal, and Pogamut NB Libs.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi, yothre! Welcome to the forum!

I guess we're lacking on the documentation side of our project. What you're experiencing is feature not a bug ;-)

Philoshophy of Pogamut 3.2.0 has greatly changed since 3.1.x and older versions. Pogamut has been completely mavenized, that means that example projects has moved to be maven archetypes that we're maintaining / providing in our Maven repository. See: our continuous integration tool and is our Maven repository for Pogamut.

To create sample project you must undergo an obscure method for adding archetype into Maven project categories as described by slides here:

We're going to resolve this "discomfort" in next release of Pogamut but currently NetBeans are truly weird as they do not correctly support addition of new archetypes into their IDE.

Please, tell me if that helped or should I continue with more explanations.


You may even you release or SNAPSHOT versions of example projects. Release version (3.2.0) will always use 3.2.0 version of Pogamut platform, SNAPSHOT version (3.2.1-SNAPSHOT) will be using the current "SVN" version.

As maven repo you may use:
Hello. Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

I don't quite understand what you mean by "mavenized". Do I have to install any additional software (maven? from the repositories?) in order to run Pogamut now? Or just follow the ppt you directed me to in order to set up a sample project in Netbeans using this new 'mavenized' structure without installing any new software?

Thank you again!
Unfortunately yes, you have to.

If you follow the instruction it contains these steps:

1) download Apache Maven 3.0.2 from their archives

2) unpack it

3) you must have JAVA_HOME set to your 1.6 JDK

4) go to NetBeans -> Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneaus -> Maven -> set Maven home to the installation you have unpacked

5) follow instruction how to import archetype project

We're sorry for this complex procedure, we're currently in the middle of investigation how to automate these steps
during the installation.


I have installed pogamut 3.2 and netbeans 6.9.1. I can see the examples through maven. The thing I would like to ask is about sposh agent. Is there any example of an agent that uses Posh planning (like prey bot in the tutorial)?? And how can I create an empty sposh agent? I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this but any help would be appreciated!!

Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi Katerina! Welcome to the forum!

Sure this is the right place to post your questions, we're quite liberal about where you post :-)

Currently, there is no SPOSH example that was Mavenized, but due to popular demand I will
create one tomorrow and upload it to the Artifactory.

Unfortunately such example is going to be of version 3.2.1-SNAPSHOT, but you should
still be able to use Pogamut 3.2.0 normally, we'll see.


Thank you very much for your immediate response!!

That’s great news! I will be waiting.. :-)

Thanks again!!


07-SPOSH-Prey example now happily lives among 3.2.1-SNAPSHOTs archetypes.


Please be aware that this is a SNAPSHOT archetype, thus it depends on SNAPSHOT packages of the Pogamut
which are subject of changes... I'm sorry, by self-declared policy, I won't patch version 3.2.0 now as that it was already
released (seems like this is a standard to every regular software project, even though such minor tweaks could have been done).

Nevertheless I do not think that PogamutBase / PogamutUT2004 will change that much in next few months, thus
you should be safe using SNAPSHOT. Also SNAPSHOT version is already including some patches to bugs
that has been found in 3.2.0 ;-)

Please note that the .lap file (SPOSH plan file) can be found under "Files" sheet of NetBeans in the project
in src/main/resources/sposh/plan/BotPlan.lap ... bit weird, but that is its designated place as required by Maven
project structure.


one thing, this Friday we're going to merge changes from SPOSH projects of trunk into maven branch (which will be swapped into trunk back again :-)
which might destabilize the archetype for some time. But I hope the merge will be smooth and I will test the SPOSH bot as well. So if you found
your project to be broken, try to recrete it from more recent version of the archetype snapshot.


Thank you again for your reply..

But I’m afraid I have to bother you again.. When I try to create a new maven project with the input you send me, an error occurs. It says “Badly-formed maven project”. Am I doing something wrong? Excuse me if the answer to my question is already given within your previous post but I’m not familiar with maven and I’m a little bit confused! Thanks for the understanding :-) !!


Try to build the project first. When you build the project, maven tries to download all the dependencies and usually if everything is ok the "badly formed project" thing should go away.



It works!!!!!!!Thank you very much!!! :-)

Yep, NetBeans is ... **strange** ... I hope we would have the plugin reimplemented in Eclipse
that behaves much more consistently with Maven.

But usually clicking Clean & Build on newly created Maven project solves out everything. I do not know
why NetBeans at least invoke mvn compile upon creating a new project (but I understand that such
behavior might be undesirable to some projects).

So here you go :-)

I have a problem with my sposh agent :-( .. Although on Wednesday (23/03) it worked fine, now it generates errors when I try to run it!! Here is a sample of the errors :

Exception in thread "main" PogamutException[cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner@1f02b85: Agents can't be started: Guice provision errors:
1) Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.module.sensor.Items.(Lcz/cuni/amis/pogamut/ut2004/bot/impl/UT2004Bot;Lcz/cuni/amis/pogamut/ut2004/agent/module/sensor/AgentInfo;)V
while locating
while locating
while locating cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.agent.IAgent3D
while locating cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.IAgent
1 error (caused by: Guice provision errors:
1) Error injecting constructor, java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.agent.module.sensor.Items.(Lcz/cuni/amis/pogamut/ut2004/bot/impl/UT2004Bot;Lcz/cuni/amis/pogamut/ut2004/agent/module/sensor/AgentInfo;)V
while locating
while locating
while locating cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base3d.agent.IAgent3D
while locating cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.IAgent

And it continues…
Am I doing something wrong?? Any ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance!


No, its entirely our fault, mine in particular - should be fixed now.

Items object now contains very useful method isPickable() that can tell you whether some item
is currently pickable given the current state of inventory of your bot.


Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

That’s great!!It is a useful method! By the way I saw that Object senses was on your “TODO list”. For example: senses.isColliding(). Is there anything new about that?

Thanks again!


unfortunately no, Senses were not developed further for a while now. Probably becuase we're not using it that much during our work.
If you would find some constants unsuitable, please let me know, I will change the implementation accordingly.

Also you may create "MySenses extends Senses" and override any method that has inappropriate implementation.
Instantiate them inside prepareBot() method of your behavior into the very same field this.items and you should be fine.

Thank you very much!!
I ‘ll try it..


I'm trying to set up Pogamut so I can use it with my thesis. The main problem is that I'm using UDK instead of UT2004. I've tried to follow the instructions at to set up Maven so the Pogamut plugins and samples will show up in Netbeans. The plugins are there and active, but the sample problems still won't show up. The 'Maven Project' and 'Maven Quickstart Archtype' in the slide show aren't there. I've got Maven 3.0.2 and Netbeans 7.0.1. I've installed UDK with GameBots with no issue. I've read throughout the forums that your support for UDK is still catching up, so am I'm missing something or doing something wrong. Or do I just need to wait for something to be fixed. Thanks for all the help.

Hi Allen, I'm moving your question to different thread, here:

I'll answer you there.


Can it be because MAVEN_OPTS are using wrong hyphen?

There is difference between american-style hyphen from your post "–" and standard one "-"

Try to adjust MAVEN_OPTS using standard hyphen "-".

It seems that Java does not recognize "–".
